ALZ-Pfaffenau, Nemačka: Izrada i montaža cevovoda za tehnološku vodu i naftu.
2012Izrada i montaža cevovoda za NTT(sušenje na niskim temperaturama) Tulln, Austrija
2012Izrada i montaža čelične cevne instalacije, mašinsko montažni radovi na ugradnji priključaka u bloku 5 i 6, izvođenje mašinskih radova, dreniranje kanala
2012Izrada 14 rezervoara
2012Prefabrikacija cevovoda
2012Izrada metalnih konstrukcija i poteznog cilindara
2012Izgradnja i montaža podzemnog skladišta gasa i pripadajućeg cevovoda
2012Izrada i montaža cevovoda za termoelektrenu GDK Mellach, Austria
2010-2011DEMI Water plant
2014DEMI Water plant
2014Condensate polishing plant
2013-2014Closed drainage system in blocks 5 and 6
2013-2014“Renovation of Soot Blowers at the Energy Plant Boilers”
2013-2014Prefabrication pipes and erection pipes project Arsenal Vienne
2013-2014Noise reduction barriers
2013Reconstruction of reservoirs FB-801 and FB-802
2013Reconstruction of reservoirs for biodiesel
2013Prefabrication of the pipelines, project WRK‐Eren Corlu, Turkey
2013Manufacturing of 150t of secondary supports
2013Steel structure for safe unloading of trains and mobile equipment by operators
2013ISBL Piping erection, pressure test, reinstatement, Commissioning and start-up assistance
2011-2013Recove boiler, Uruguay
2012-2013HEURTEY PETROCHEM; France; Piping erection, pressure test, reinstatement
2012Deneza M, Belgrade: Mechanical and Civil Works, Design and installation of pipelines
2012Prefabrication and assembling works of the pipelines and their connections – Sampling Unit Blocks 5 and 6
2012Manufacturing of the metal structures and pin puller
2012NTT (Niedertemperaturtrocknung) Tulln
2012Construction and mechanical engineering of the drainage canals in block 5 and 6
2012Project development, fabrication and erection of equipment cyclones hoopers metal constructions and pipeline, for Elixir Food Additives, approximately 500t
2012-2013Manufacturing of 14 tanks stainless and carbon steel 75m3 each, diameter up to 4200mm
2012-2013Project: Preparation and erection of the pipelines and their supporting structures, Thyssen Krupp steel Europe, Duisburg, Bruckhausen
2012Manufacture and installation of piping systems for process water and diesel oil, ALZ PFAFFENAU
2012-HEURTEY PETROCHEM; France: Erection of Steam – Methane Reformer for HGU Unit
2011-2012Project: ISBL/ OSBL Piping prefabrication, cca 4.000 tons
2011-2012Project: Fabrication and erection of pipeline and support construction, erection of turbine, facilities and equipment for plant Trianel Kohlekraftwerk, Liinen
2010-2011Project: Capacity extending of compressor station for injection of natural gas into underground gas storage Banatski Dvor
2010Project: lnstallation of additional power supply in underground gas storage "BanatskiDvor"
2010Works: Optimization of gas supply system in Hurezani Corbu area in Romania
2010Project: Fabrication, delivery and erection of pipe lines for Power plant GDK Mellach, AUSTRIA
2010Works: Dismantling and assembling of new boiler and connecting pipeline, erection of pre heaters, ECO etc in power plant Werk-Simeringer Haide, Wien
2010Project: Fabrication, delivery and erection of underground gas storage and connecting pipe lines
2009-2010Works: Preparation, fabrication, delivery and erection of pipelines and support steel construction for lndustriepark Hochst
2008-2010Works: lnstallation of project FCC-Posttreater - Petrom Refinery, Petrobrazi, Romania
2009Project: Delivery and installation of pipe bridge; lnstallation of pipelines and pumpstations for all 4 lines of agglomeration. Reconstruction of the clean and dirty waterlines where required.
2008-2009Works: mounting hood and piping system of the first section of a bag filter in Steel Mill, for all three converters
2008-2009Works: Preparation, fabrication, delivery and erection of boiler and connecting pipelines Block 7
2008-2009Project: Fabrication, delivery and erection of canals and hoods on the main steel structure for the bag filter system in Steel Mill, over 950 tons
2008-2009Project: Design and installation of steel structure. lnstallation of filter presses for mud
2008Works: Making of cyclones, canals and pipelines for the Lafarge cement plant in Hogiz.
2008Works: Delivery and installation of pipeline and support construction
2007-2008Works: Prefabrication and erection of pipelines for power plant Energie AG Oberosterrich AH K Timelkam
2007-2008Turn key project: Engineering, planning, manufacturing, supplying, installation and commissioning of detection and fire protection systems in US SteelSmederevo and Beli Limovi Sabac, where the works included fabrication of water tanks and new pump station
2007-2008Works: Preparation and installation of pipeline, equipment and support construction
2007-2008Project: Revamping Pickling line #1 in Cold rolling mill, after 15 years of not working. Line was not in operation in a period of 15 years. Hydraulic system with 5 oil sub stations with pumps, pneumatic system complete, watel air supply systems, air dryers, scrubber, fan, EMG stations 5 pieces, entry, exit conveyors, step conveyors, un-coiler and tension reel, powered and deflector rolls, looped gates, looped drive car, reservoirs, pumps. Ventilation of entry and exit electrical room, motor ventilation system.
2007-2008Works: Production and delivery of steel supporting structure for the repair of the filter plant in Cement factory Lafarge, Beočn (platform, podests ...)
2007-2008Works: Manufacturing, supply and erection of pipelines for OMV Ref inery Modernization Project
2007Project: Delivery and installation of canals to cast iron Furnaces # 2 during the overhaul in 2007
2007Project: Delivery and installation of electrical and control equipment and measuring instruments during the overhaulof Blast Furnace # 2
2007Project: Delivery and installation of impulse lines during the overhaul of Blast Furnaces # 2
2007Works: Manufacturing and installation of new f lair stack for burning of Blast Furnace gas - cca 250t of steel structure
2007Project: Manufacturing and installation of new steel structure in Cold rolling mill, Pickling line #2 with dismantling of old 1steel structure, old equipment relocation and installation of new equipment of tension leveler delivered by VAI Clesim, France in 2006- cca 360 tons
2007Works: Dismantling and installation of new filter system for cement factory, line #4 2006/2007 - cca 300 tons
2007Works: Preparation and erection of pipeline and its support construction for plants in waste burning factory
2006-2007Works: Production of steel structures for the overhaul of the filtration plant Lafarge Beočin (base, stairs, platforms)
2006-2007Works: Fabrication, delivery and instaIlation of Bag filters
2006Works: Fabrication and delivery of structural steel containers for bio-diesel
2005Installation of Chlorine Plant: HD-, MD-, ND- Pipeline System (steam, condense, process water (chemicals, etc..) pipe bridges, steel structures, stages, platforms, ladders, staircases, pipe support, etc... Materials used: C-steel, warm, high temperature – strong steel, titanium, lnolloy, Hastelloy, austentic steel, synthetic and bindinq materials, casting, stainless rnetal, partly internal lining with PTFE and enamel for Chemische Werke Bitterfeld, Germany
2004-2005Works for the chemical – and fertilizer indust: Process piping up to DN 2000, - The entire pipeline of multi (double coat, PTFE and enameled Edition) steel construction, pipe racks, platforms. Materials used: C-steel, heat resistant steel, titanium, pure silver
2004-2005Works for power plants: Measurement units , Slide stations, l-lD-, MD-, ND- pipeline systems. Materials used: C-steel, plant: Korneuburg, Theiss, Deutsch-Wagram, Krems / N0 Baden, Stockerau, Wr. Neustadt
2004-2005MD - ducts for condense piping systems and systems under pressure. Materials used: C-steel, heat resistant steel, austentic steel: Simmering-Graz-Pauke4 Vienna, Kohlenscheidungs - GmbH, Vienna, MAN AG, Vienna
Works for melamine plant: HD-, MD- and ND- piping systems (steam, condense, chemicals, process media, etc..) piping and
general steel construction.
Materials used: heat resistant steel, Titan, low alloy, Hastelloy, authentic steel, synthetics, for the plant: Pulawy, Poland
Project: WSO4 - Fabrication and delivery canals for the flue gasses and pressure lines
2005Works: Fabrication and delivery of various types of steel structures
2005Works on systems for chemical products, agro colour, production of plaster boards etc: Latex - plant piping, steam-supply, condense, hot water turbines, piping - steam heating, double coating sulfur separation and station, pipe bridges. Materials used: C-steel, heat resistant steel, austentic steel, nonferrous metal.
2004-2005Works on piping systems and steel structures: Piping systems for HD, MD, ND, couple, condense, hot and cold water; chemicals, high-pressure etc. Production and erection of steel structures, pipe bridges. Materials used: C-steel, steel to resist heat and high heat, Titan, lncolloy, Hastelloy, austentic steel, non-ferrous metals, partial inner lining (PTFE, enamel) for Plants: Gaswerk Simmering, Gaswerk Leopoldali, Voest Linz, Chemie Linz, Leykam-Murztaler; Bruck.
2004-2005Project: Sinter Corus and Project Sinter 5 - fabrication and delive of steel piping components and parts
2004Works: Deliver and performance of ISA /electro, analysis and pneumatics works
2004Works: Delivery and performance of ISA /electro, analysis and pneumatics works, supervision and planning
2004HD-, MD- and ND- piping systems (steam, condense, hot water boiling waten process water chemicals, high pressure etc.). Materials used: heat resistant steel, titanium, Hastelloy, austenitic steel, synthetic-and binding materials, casting, non-ferrous metalworks
2005Works: Fabrication and delivery of steel structure - Carinox Belgium
2004-2005Works: Fabrication and delivery of steel constructions for Staircases Donawitz
Works: lnstallation of pipelines – Foster Wheeler ltaliana S.P.A - Project, Chemieanlage EXXON Rotterdam duplomat pipeline laying
2003Works: HD-, MD-, ND- piping systems for all media, steel construction, pipe bridges, torches (candles for burning excess gas)
2003Works for raw industry, heavy industry and metallurgical indust: HD-, steam and condense piping systems for blast furnaces, MD-ND- piping systems for steam, condense, hot water oil Hydraulic pipeline, reducer for high-pressure, supply and draſtof electricity, electricity reduce steel structure. Materials used: heat resistant C-steel, austenitic steel, non-ferrous metals, low alloy steel, casting
2003Paper and pulp: Delivery and construction: l-lD-, MD-, ND- pipelines, steam, condense, chemicals, cellulose, water; sewel air pipes, etc.., pipeline installation of machine for paper, steel tubular construction and bridges. Materials used: C-steel, heat resistant steel, austenitic steel, synthetic materials.
2003Works in refineries and chemical industries: DeIivery and installation: MD-, ND- pipeline systems, flares. Production of steel structures, pipe bridges etc
2003Delivery and construction diverse revitalization of plants. zSuction, wastewater treatment plants, HD-steam pipes, instalation of drain ducts for gas coolen. Materials used: C-steel, steel austenitic, L.4571
2003Production and delivery of ND –MD- condense pipelines and pipeline installation in steam boilers; MateriaIs used: C-steel, heat resistant steel austenitic stainless steel and non-ferous metals.
2003Production and delivery of MSR/electroworks: Plants: Minol Tanklager Perleberg, Minol Tanklager Potsdam, Hafen Rostock
2003Works for refineries and chemical industry: HD, MD and ND pipeline systems, steam, condense, hot water process water for Plants: Magnesitwerk Aken, DDR Production of different structures, pipelines, vessels, preparation - prefabrication pipeline systems for various Voest Alpine plants at home and abroad.
2003-2004Works for etilenoks-plant. HD, MD and ND pipelines (steam, condense, hot water, processed water); Steel works, under ground pipeline - for plant Chemisches Werk buna, DDR